Quick addenda.

I attempted to read the code in page-mar.tex and tried

  \global\advance\parCount by 1 }

instead of

  \global\advance\parCount by 1 }

and the former worked just fine - the font got smaller in the right
margin and the text was aligned to the right.

Although the original problem appears to be solved, still, I would
greatly appreciate if someone explained to me why \inright does not
seem to pay any attention to \vi whereas \inrightedge does.

Thank you!


On Nov 25, 2007 5:58 PM, Boris Dagaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello ConTeXt Experts!
> I am looking for a proper ConTeXt of solving a problem I've solved
> through a hack (my solution is right after the need and problem are
> stated below).
> Preface: I am learning ConTeXt as I go. I do apologize if mine is a
> rookie question. I'd appreciate your help very much.
> Need:
> number every paragraph and place its number on the right margin in a
> smaller (6pt) font.
> Problem:
> when I try to switch to a smaller font directly in an \inright:
> \inright{\vi\hfill\bf\the\parCount}
> that outputs the count in the main paragraph font (14pt) until I
> prefix every paragraph with a hack
> {\vi\ \setbox0=\hbox{\ }\kern-\wd0}
> then \inright outputs the number correctly in a 6pt font
> (if I add the hack to \everypar, the inright font is still 14pt)
> Question: is there a way to switch to a smaller font directly in \inright{}?
> My solution:
> \setupoutput[pdftex]
> \definepapersize[MYBOOK][width=10.5cm,height=18.5cm]
> \setuppapersize[MYBOOK][letter]
> \setuplayout[width=fit, height=fit, topspace=0cm, header=1cm,
> footer=0.2cm, location=middle, marking=on, leftmargin=0cm,
> leftmargindistance=0cm, rightmargin=0.5cm, rightmargindistance=0cm,
> leftdistance=0cm, rightdistance=0cm, backspace=0cm]
> \setupbodyfont[14pt]
> \setupwhitespace[big]
> \setupinmargin[align=right]
> \newcount\parCount \parCount=1
> \def\inRightParCount{%
>  %% ADDING THE HACK HERE DOES NOT HELP {\vi\ \setbox0=\hbox{\ }\kern-\wd0}
>  \inright{\hfill\bf\the\parCount}
>  \global\advance\parCount by 1 }
> \appendtoks \inRightParCount \to \everypar
> \starttext
> {\vi\ \setbox0=\hbox{\ }\kern-\wd0}Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
> consectetuer adipiscing elit. In arcu justo, iaculis eu, adipiscing
> nec, lacinia a, eros. Proin consequat, nisl eu commodo dignissim,
> dolor sapien facilisis turpis, vitae mattis felis sapien ac enim.
> Donec nisi. Pellentesque nec enim. Vestibulum dignissim tincidunt
> eros. Proin pretium elit sed mi. Aenean eu magna. Integer elementum
> mollis nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus
> et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam nisi. Praesent feugiat est.
> Duis pharetra cursus orci. Fusce pede. Donec vitae nunc eget mauris
> condimentum sagittis.
> % {\vi\ \setbox0=\hbox{\ }\kern-\wd0}
> Nunc vel ipsum. Fusce posuere. Praesent id sem in mi gravida molestie.
> Proin ultrices leo eget enim. Pellentesque faucibus, massa in aliquet
> mollis, turpis neque sollicitudin tortor, sed bibendum velit est id
> risus. Duis at massa. Curabitur euismod cursus libero. Integer
> pharetra, nisl eu laoreet sodales, sem lorem fermentum enim, in
> euismod odio velit at pede. Sed eget dui. Curabitur vitae turpis ut
> velit sollicitudin venenatis. Phasellus vel lectus. Nullam mi sapien,
> varius congue, imperdiet vitae, aliquet eget, orci. Donec purus.
> {\vi\ \setbox0=\hbox{\ }\kern-\wd0}Vivamus ut metus. Mauris ac. Aenean
> urna sem, interdum id, pellentesque ut, tincidunt vitae, magna. Morbi
> facilisis purus sit amet nisi. Quisque eleifend egestas ante. Vivamus
> eleifend sollicitudin ipsum. Praesent et tortor vestibulum dui aliquet
> accumsan. Vestibulum massa mauris, tristique sit amet, hendrerit
> vitae, euismod a, magna. Nulla erat. Maecenas tincidunt. Lorem ipsum
> dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Curabitur sit amet pede.
> Phasellus pretium sagittis metus.
> \stoptext
> Thank you,
> Boris
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